Pet Sitters / Dog walker

Pet sitters and dog walkers provide care and companionship for pets while their owners are away. They ensure that pets receive proper exercise, feeding, and attention, contributing to their overall well-being.


1. Pet Sitter

◦ Visit clients’ homes to care for pets during their absence.
◦ Feed pets according to their specific dietary needs and schedules. ◦ Provide fresh water and ensure pets are comfortable.
◦ Administer medications as required.
◦ Clean litter boxes, cages, and other pet areas.
◦ Offer companionship and playtime to keep pets engaged and reduce stress.
◦ Monitor the health and behavior of pets and report any concerns to the owner.

2. Dog Walker

◦ Walk dogs according to their exercise needs and owner’s instructions.
◦ Ensure dogs are safe and secure during walks, using appropriate leashes and harnesses.
◦ Practice good leash manners and reinforce basic training commands.
◦ Clean up after dogs during walks and properly dispose of waste.
◦ Provide fresh water and check for any signs of distress or health issues after walks.
◦ Communicate with owners about their pet’s behavior and well-being.


Pet Sitters

Typically earn between $15 to $30 per visit, depending on the duration of the visit and the number of pets cared for. Overnight pet sitting can range from $50 to $100 or more per night.

Dog Walkers

Typically earn between $15 to $25 per walk, with higher rates for longer walks or multiple dogs. Regular clients often offer a steady stream of income.

  • Benefits:

  • Pay & Benefits: Hourly or daily rates depending on the duration of care.

  • Requirements: Love for animals, experience with pet care.
  • Job Application Form

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